Saturday, September 28, 2024

Anything Goes September 2024 Fall Winners

It's time to announce our winners for our
FALL season in September!

We had 94 (WOW) fabulous entries (thank you everyone)
 making it once again a difficult task of choosing winners, 
but choose we must and the results are as follows: 

Top 3

#3 Esther

#49 Marcia Hill

#89 Leslie K

Please be sure to grab the Top 3 badge from our sidebar and
display it proudly on your blog

and our  


#77 Katrina


Please be sure to grab the Winners badge from our sidebar and
display it proudly on your blog. 

We hope you'll come back on October 1st for another new Four Seasons challenge. 
Remember ... our theme is now FALL!
We can't wait to see what you create with that theme in mind!!  Going to be FUN!


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