Saturday, January 28, 2023

Anything Goes Winter January Winners

It's that time again to announce our winners for our season of WINTER
and you ALL outdid yourselves with beautiful cards and amazing images
making it a difficult task of choosing just a few to be honored!
But, choose we must and the results are as follows:

Top 3

#19 Esther

#54 Leslie Miller

#77 Epie

Please be sure to grab the Top 3 badge from our sidebar and
display it proudly on your blog

and our  


#34 Izzy Scrap


Please be sure to grab the Winners badge from our sidebar and
display it proudly on your blog. 

We hope you'll come back on February 1st for another new Four Seasons challenge. 
Remember ...we are still into our theme of  Winter!
We can't wait to see what you create with that theme in mind!!  Going to be FUN!



  1. Gorgeous cards, ladies! Most definitely worthy of the Top spots!

  2. Thank you so much for including my Lavinia card in the top picks! I know how hard it is to choose, but you have some awesome results here!

  3. Beautiful cards, congrats to the winners, hugs, Lori m

  4. WWooww thanks ...... I am in the top 3 !!
    Nice day congratz everyone , Epie

  5. OMG, I just discover (sorry to be late) that you picked my card ! Thank you so much , I'm so thrilled ! Congratulations to the other winners !

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