Friday, June 28, 2024

June 2024 - ATG Summer WINNERS

  Hello Friends!

It's time to announce the winner's of our June - SUMMER challenge.
SO MANY amazing creations you have all shared!  Which made it very difficult to  narrow our favorites choices down to only four!  But, the design team has spoken so here we go ...

Top 3 

#12  Francesca

 #35  Wendy Luschkowski

#83  Rosi

Please be sure to grab the Top 3 badge from our sidebar and
display it proudly on your blog

and our  


#8  Bonnie Lynn


Please be sure to grab the Winners badge from our sidebar and
display it proudly on your blog. 

We hope you'll come back on July 1st for another new Four Seasons challenge.  We can't wait to see what you create with that theme in mind!!  Going to be FUN!



  1. Oh, what a happy surprise! Thank you very much for selecting my ATC as one of your Top 3! Congratulations to Francesca and Wendy, as well as to winner Bonnie! Rosi xx

  2. Awesome!! Thank you so much for choosing my flamingo as winner. Congratulations to the Top 3 entries!

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