Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Anything Goes May 2024 Spring Winners

 It's time to announce our winners for our last Spring Season this year 
for the month of MAY!

We had 96 (WOW) fabulous entries (thank you everyone)
 making it once again a difficult task of choosing winners, 
but choose we must and the results are as follows:

Top 3

#22 Carol Gill

#74 Maz

Please be sure to grab the Top 3 badge from our sidebar and
display it proudly on your blog

and our  


#26 Judy V


Please be sure to grab the Winners badge from our sidebar and
display it proudly on your blog. 

We hope you'll come back on June 1st for another new Four Seasons challenge. 
Remember ... our theme is now  SUMMER!
We can't wait to see what you create with that theme in mind!!  Going to be FUN!



  1. Thank you for choosing my card in your Top 3 and congrats to the other ladies-all beautiful cards.
    Carol x

  2. Thrilled to be included with these lovely card selections. Thank you. Congrats all.

  3. Congratulations to all the winners!

  4. Congratulations to the top picks! Well deserved!

  5. Thank you so much for the Top Winner recognition! Congrats to the other winners!

  6. My Name is Lucy and I am writing from Kansas City, I want to share my testimony with you all here on how to get finance from Mr Pedro who offers loans to individual and corporate at the rate of 2% in return. I stumbled upon his contact details online then I decided to give it a try. Then all my effort was not in vain because Mr Pedro granted me a loan of 820,000.00 USD to expand my business in which many banks have declined my request but Mr Pedro approved my loans. I'm so grateful for what he and his loan company did for me and hopefully I will be paying yearly payment which is really good for me as a startup business owner. I will recommend his contact details Email address and whatsapp number via (pedroloanss@gmail.com +393510140339 ) they will help you with any types of funding for personal or business purposes. thank you blog admin.
